
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cooling my Heels...

As I am impatiently enduring this cooling period, trying my danged hardest not to look at, work on, or even think about my book, I have been busy!

I wrote a short story. It's a little melodramatic, but I am going to send it out anyway to various magazines and journal. New dream: to be published in OSC's Intergalactic Medicine Show. I also sent out a bunch of old poetry to mags/journs so we'll see in a couple weeks what comes of that.

Besides writing and submitting, I've been brushing up on writing technique and theory. At a nearby antique mall I found some fabulous books on the subject for great prices! Been reading those in between my regular spec fic (namely Karen Miller and now Lois McMaster Bujold). They've been suuuuuper helpful in bringing old info to the front of my mind and introducing wonderful new stuff too! When I finally break my vow of abstinence and resume my work on Thorn I will be locked and loaded for a full-on, take-no-prisoners revision assault! Ha!

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