
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

ORIGIN Announcement Giveaway WINNERS!

A HUGE thanks to all of you who entered my giveaway! What a great response! I had so much fun reading your comments and meeting many of you on Twitter and Facebook. The winners of the giveaway (chosen at random by Rafflecopter) are as follows:

$25 Gift Certificate for
WINNER - Chanelle

$15 Gift Certificate for
WINNER - Carl Scott

$10 Gift Certificate for
WINNER - Mandie Baxter

Congratulations to the winners! And thanks again to ALL OF YOU for making not only my birthday but my big announcement such a great experience! Hope you will be back soon to stay updated on the progress of ORIGIN as it makes its way toward bookshelves, and be sure you add it to your to-read list! :)


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