
Monday, October 1, 2012

Austin Teen Book Festival

Howdy, y'all!

I spent the last few days in the Lone Star State at the Austin Teen Book Festival. And y'all, it was amazing! I got to rock out my cowgirl boots and meet some inspiring people. First off was a totally unforgettable keynote speech from the indomitable Libba Bray, followed by a day of panels, hobnobbing, signing, eating, laughing, and lots and lots and lots of books! So, yeah, pretty much the whole experience was dreamy.

As tasty as it looks, I'm going to resist temptation and instead use it as a Christmas ornament because I mean honestly LOOK AT HOW AWESOME IT IS. I don't know what ingenious Texan is responsible for this cookie BUT BASICALLY I WANT TO HUG THEIR NECK.

Basically, before this weekend, I knew only three things about Texas:

1. The Alamo
3.That Geico commercial

And, as the Gecko says, everything in Texas just seems bigger. And after ordering a country fried steak and getting this monster I am a one hundred per cent believer!

One of my favorite parts of going to book festivals is meeting authors I admire, because no matter how many books I write, I will always be a reader at heart and authors are my rockstars! Here are some of the incredible storytellers I met this weekend.

Marissa Meyer, author of Cinder and Scarlet

Will Richter, author of Dark Eyes

Leigh Bardugo, author of Shadow and Bone

Rae Carson, author of Girl of Fire and Thorns and The Crown of Embers

These are just a few of the supercool people I met! Saturday night a bunch of us went out for dinner and had a great time swapping stories and enjoying scrumptious Tex-Mex cuisine.

On Sunday, Jessica Lee Anderson, Joy Preble, Kresley Cole, Will Richter and I had the privilege of speaking at the Book Spot in nearby Round Rock. Julie and Will, the shop owners, were so friendly and book savvy--I am so happy to have met them and been part of their event!

And I met Jayme, a girl after my own heart--we even play the same position in soccer! 

Austin is a fascinating and fun city and I'm so glad I got to see a little of it. I learned something about myself on this trip--that I love Texas and can't wait to go back! =)


  1. Just a small correction, it's called a "Chicken Fried Steak" :)

    1. Haha--we actually had a discussion about that! Because where I live it's called Country Fried Steak (like Country Fried Chicken) but I guess everyone else says Chicken Fried Steak! =D

  2. That's my homeland. I heart Austin, always! Looks like a fun trip. So many people I know where there. Wish I could've gone. :-(

  3. :) I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to meet you and chat since I couldn't make The Book Spot signing. You are a gem, sweet and smart. I did get to go to your panel at ATBF and thank you for the website/forum tips. I can't wait to read Origin.
