
Monday, March 18, 2013

Book Updates: Invisibility & Vitro

Two books to talk about:

1. I finished reading Invisibility by Andrea Cremer and David Levithan, and I loved it. It's the story of a boy who's been invisible his entire life, and what happens when he meets the only person--a girl his own age--who is able to see him. The moment I heard what the book was about, I knew I had to read it, and was lucky enough to snag an ARC. Guys--it rocked! It was sweet, surprising, intense, and triumphant--a fast-moving read with fresh, likable characters and two distinct voices (the story is told alternatively through Stephen's and Elizabeth's perspectives). The pub date for this book is May 7--I know, I know, absolute ages!! But you should totally pre-order it because it is worth it. In fact, to justify my own pre-order of the hardcover, I'm giving away the ARC below--so be sure to drop your name in the hat if you want an early peek! 

2. I finally got to reveal the title and synopsis of my next book!! It's called Vitro and it's coming out early winter 2014. It's not a sequel to Origin but it is set in the same universe, so you'll see one familiar character from Origin. Haven't revealed the cover yet (but I've been sitting on it since last summer so I'm really dying to share--all that to come!). Anyway, you can read the synopsis and add it to your to-read list here!

Contest ends March 26. Winner will be contact by email and will have 14 days to respond or your prize will be forfeited. US and Canada only, please!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would love to be visible to the girl I like!

  2. My daughter! She's 6 and awesome. Smart, funny, kind. So great :) (And she reads at a 3rd grade level!)

  3. Honestly, my best friend Zach. It would drive him crazy and he is the one person who i know wouldn't think he was insane by seeing me when all others couldn't. <3

  4. This is a hard one but I guess I would want the one person to be the person who needs someone the most.. I dont have to know them now but there are soo many people out there who need someone.. Id hope i could be that person..

  5. My husband <3 he's my best friend.

  6. Lol I pick God! He can be the only person that can see me!

  7. My best friend... she can do everything that I ask her to

  8. I think I'd have to go with my boyfriend on that one. He's worth being the one person I'm visible to :)

  9. That's a really hard question to answer. My boyfriend knows me better than anyone, he's the one I'd want to see me if no one else can.

  10. That is really easy. My husband! We would totally play practical jokes on people. Or everyone will think he is crazy. ;)

  11. That is a tricky question, I'd have to imagine I'd want whoever my soul mate is to be that person. Since I haven't found them yet I don't know! Though having a complete stranger would be interesting too, what a story that would be if the only person who could see you was awful or completely annoying. :P

  12. I'd pick my husband for sure. Though I'd feel bad that my kids couldn't see me, but hubbie still wins out.

  13. My son. He's the one who really sees me anyway.

  14. I think I'd pick my boyfriend :)

  15. I should probably choose my boyfriend, but I'd really want to be visible to my best friend Antonia. I'd be her imaginary friend and it'd be great.

  16. This is definitely a hard one, and I hate to be a copycat, but I think I'd have to go with Rebecca on this one - I'd want my soul mate to be able to see me, though I don't know who he is yet.

  17. Sometimes, I wish I could be invisible to my kids... ;)

  18. If I was invisible, and only one person could see me, I would want that person to be Doctor Who! Specifically, the tenth Doctor! Because then I could travel in the Tardis and help him save lives :)

    -Sonnie @ ParaDays

  19. Eh, this is such a hard question to answer! When I was a teen? My (future) husband. Now? We have some great kiddos ;)

  20. If I was invisible to everyone but one person.. that's a very difficult question to answer. I honestly have no idea who I would choose... If only one person could see me, I would feel like a burden to that person and scared everyday of my life that they would leave me and Id be alone. Being seen by only one person, I would require a lot more attention than one person gives another a day, and it would cause problems and that person and I would get into fights, its inevidable. They would stop talking to me, and id be by myself.

  21. Michelle's answer made me tear up :)

    That's a tough question! As I'm currently single, I'd say my future soulmate since he should be the one to see me - but right now? My mom. Because I don't think I could live without her being able to see me and my emotions and really understand.

  22. If I had to choose, it would probably be my mom. She's the one who is able to understand me the best and help calm me down when I'm freaking out (which happens a lot!) :)

  23. Both of these books look amazing! I totally can't wait for either of them.

    If I was invisible to everyone except for one person, I would say that I would want my best friend to be the person that sees me. She's probably the person that means the most to me, and I would completely crumble if one day, she just couldn't see me and I was just "gone" to her. I don't think I could handle that.
    Plus, side note, I don't know if you read Brenna Yovanoff's Paper Valentine, but when I read it, I was reminded a lot of my best friend and I in Brenna's main characters in that book. So, if I was invisible to everyone except for her, I would basically be like her ghost best friend. Haha, I just felt like sharing that little mini detail too.

    If not my best friend, I'd probably choose my sister.

  24. My sister. This is going to sound cliché, but she's my best friend.

  25. I wouldn't choose a person, I'd choose my cat Chuck Norris. He's my favorite guy in the whole world and he wouldn't know what to do with himself if he couldn't see me :0)

  26. David Tennant ;)


  27. Either my best friend or a family member. And thanks for the giveaway, I really want to read this book! :)

  28. Our cat-because he's already freaky enough and he can see us!! And thank you so much for signing my daughter's book, she loves it :)

  29. My husband. He's my soulmate :) Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :)

  30. This is a hard question, I guess I would want to be visible to someone who can stand me and who I can stand. I haven't met someone like that, that I can be content around so it would have to be someone that could put up with me. So I guess my answer is I don't know because I haven't met them yet.
    Thank you for the giveaway!

  31. Haha, yes, in lieu of a current soul mate I'd have to say if I could only be seen by one person forever and ever...THE DOCTOR. Allons-y!

  32. My hubs. He can always see right through to the real me anyways. :)

  33. I don't have a specific person but definitely someone who's interesting to talk to but also still mysterious!

  34. I would only want to be visible to my husband. Although, even if he couldn't see me, I'm sure he'd always know when I was around. He's freaky like that.

  35. I loved Origin and cannot wait for Vitro! This is an awesome giveaway. I've heard great things about Invisibility.

  36. It might actually be a relief to be invisible from most people. I'm much more charming/vivacious/less shy in the virtual world. Does it sound sappy that I'd want my mom to still see me?

  37. This is a really difficult question to answer and I'm going to say, my soulmate because they need me more than my mother!

  38. Doctor Who was a great answer, but my husband would ultimately be my choice. :)

  39. I would say everyone except my best friends, but there are four of them, so that puts that idea in the trash. I think I would be invisible to everyone but my dad, because I'm really close to him and he worries a lot about my sister and me. If one of us suddenly disappeared, he would go absolutely crazy.

  40. I'd be invisible to everyone except Jensen Ackles....jokes, my bf :)

  41. Hmm probably my mom! She's the one person in the world that I need the most and I can't stand the thought of her not seeing me. Although I wouldn't mind having the Doctor be able to see me! ;) That's a great question!

  42. My dad. We talk every day and are very close. Yep, I'm definitely a daddy's girl. ;)

  43. My husband, hands down. Being invisible doesn't mean that I wouldn't be able to communicate with other just means that we would need to get creative!

  44. This is such a hard question because there are so many people I hold dear to my heart! God, My 2 sons, my husband and my family! So If I had to choose just one.. I would choose a child that has no one so they wouldnt be lonely anymore!Thanks!

  45. What a great question...I'm going to have to say my dog Otis, although I know he's technically not a person. I love the thought of hiding from everyone! As a mom and wife, it seems like someone's always after me for something. But not Otis! He just wants some love and dog treats. Thanks for the cool giveaway!

  46. My future self :) I want myself to see myself (I do hope I make sense) :D

  47. Hmm Well I guess my husband or my kids. Does it mean though if I'm only visible to him and we have kids then I'm visible to them too

  48. My best friend....or some future boyfriend. :D

  49. My best friend! She wouldn't be able to pretend I wasn't there... It would make her look crazy... hehehe :P Thanks for the giveaway!!

  50. My daughter. She has an amazing imgination. She would be the only one accepting enough to see me.

  51. My future husband! Whoever that may be. ;)

    Thanks for the giveaway! Can't wait to read this book.

  52. Invisibility looks like an interesting story. I read the blurb to Vitro and I'm looking forward to that, as well. :)


    Tonette dela Luna

    1. Oops. Sent before answering the question. D'oh. I'd pick my godson. He and I have a special bond, although I think he'd be able to sense me anyway. :)


  53. I think I'd pick my sister. She's the one I can't imagine being without.

  54. Wow...I guess to my boyfriend?

  55. My soul mate, at least then it would be easier to find them! :)

  56. Can I steal Danielle's answer? Haha. If I can't, then I would say my mom. It would worry her if I disappeared.

  57. I'd be visible to my boss. I need her to see me working, because I still would need to pay my bills. :)

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. I'd like to be visible to my boyfriend.

  60. To myself - still want to make sure I have on matching socks! :-)

  61. I would be visible to either my best friend or my sister, both would be great to be visible to just because of all the trouble we would think of doing :)

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Hi.Greetings from the Czechia.Today i read a book Origin.S very very good.Thank you very much.Great book and great writer :)
