
Monday, April 23, 2012

Positively Breathless!

Did you hear!?!?

I'm so excited I feel like this guy:

I remember going to see Beth Revis, Andrea Cremer, Jessica Spotswood, and Marie Lu on one of their Breathless Reads tour stops in February. I was starstruck, for sure, but I also started to have this tiny, scared little dream--what if it was me one day? 


It's such an honor to have Origin chosen to follow in the footsteps of these writers. I'm still not sure how I got here. Everything that's happened in my life since last October has been one dizzy, delirious dream. And it's still not over! I'm so thrilled and privileged to be part of Breathless Reads this fall. I hope you will all join in the events and read all of the Breathless books!

To stay updated on Origin, follow this blog, my twitter, or add Origin to your Goodreads shelf!

Get a head start! Read the first three chapters of Origin now!


Follow Penguin Teen and Breathless Reads to catch each reveal every day this week!


  1. Oh my God, a preview. *devours*


  2. OMG! Congratulations Jessica!! I hope you guys stop in Boston so I can go see you :)

  3. That's wonderful, Jessica. Congratulations. You're living the dream. Try and take a moment to soak it in as you launch into the stratosphere. You cracked me up with the shot of Maxwell. He's awesome!


  4. Wow! Congratulations. Sounds amazing.

  5. I am going to read the first three chapters RIGHT NOW. You have no idea how much I am looking forward to this book.

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