
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bon Voyage!

So, tomorrow I'm leaving for Nicaragua for a few days, then I'm flying back so I can get to BEA! If you'll be there, I'm signing from 11-12 in the Penguin Booth #3922 on Wednesday the 6th! My gosh--is that only a week from now? O_O

I'm so fuh-reaking excited about BEA, you guys. You have to be nice to me because this is my first time going, 'kay? ;-)

I'm also so fuh-reaking excited about Nicaragua, too, because--GUYS. This is the first time I'm going to see an actual jungle. And since my entire book is set in the jungle I think it's probably about time I actually saw one. Just to see if I got anything right. =P I'll be posting pictures next week, too, so be back for those!

Hope to see some of you in NY next week! If you come by the booth, be sure to introduce yourselves! I can't think of anything cooler than getting to meet some of you in person. :)




  1. Have fun and be safe traveling. Can't wait to see the pictures.

  2. That sounds awesome! Have fun both in Nicaragua and at BEA, wish I could go to any one of those! *Jealous*

  3. Be safe and have fun! Sounds like an awesome adventure!

  4. So sorry that I won't be making it to BEA and will be missing you. Can't wait to hear about your adventures when you return, though! Have fun in the jungle!! :D

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